Unity XR 플랫폼 업데이트
Unity3D/Problems 2020. 6. 4. 16:48Unity 버전 9.3.7f1 에서 VR 테스트
XR Settings
Virtual Reality Supported (Deprecated)
Built-in XR 는 더이상 사용하지 말고 XR Plugin Management를 사용하라고 경고 함
Unity XR platform updatesUnity XR 플랫폼 업데이트Unity XR プラットフォームの最新情報 - Unity Technologies Bl
XR의 혁신이 이루어지고 있는 가운데, 유니티는 크리에이터와 생태계 파트너 사이에서 가장 탁월한 개발 플랫폼이라는 명성을 이어가고자 합니다. 이번 포스팅에서는 현재의 생태계를 강화하기
구글 VR 플랫폼 포기 (2019.10.17)
빌트인 XR셋팅만 했을 경우 빌드는 성공하지만 기기실행하면서 발생하는 크래시 현상
D:\Program Files\Nox\bin>adb logcat -s Unity adb server version (41) doesn't match this client (36); killing... * daemon started successfully * --------- beginning of crash --------- beginning of main 06-04 16:02:23.370 17240 17240 W Unity : Timeout while trying to pause the Unity Engine. 06-04 16:02:27.376 17240 17240 W Unity : Timeout while trying detaching primary window. 06-04 16:42:02.946 17963 18021 I Unity : SystemInfo CPU = ARM64 FP ASIMD AES, Cores = 8, Memory = 5689mb 06-04 16:42:02.946 17963 18021 I Unity : SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 0xf0), 4 little (mask: 0xf) 06-04 16:42:02.952 17963 18021 I Unity : ApplicationInfo com.smilejsu.TestVRBuild version 0.1 build 4ca3f255-a69f-4146-b7c8-4c168f920483 06-04 16:42:02.952 17963 18021 I Unity : Built from '2019.3/staging' branch, Version '2019.3.7f1 (6437fd74d35d)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'mono', CPU 'armeabi-v7a', Stripping 'Disabled' 06-04 16:42:03.114 17963 18021 E Unity : Unable to find libaudiopluginresonanceaudio 06-04 16:42:03.773 17963 18021 I Unity : XRGeneral Settings awakening... 06-04 16:42:03.773 17963 18021 I Unity : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) 06-04 16:42:03.773 17963 18021 I Unity : 06-04 16:42:05.919 17963 18021 I Unity : GVR SDK for Unity version: 1.200.1 06-04 16:42:05.919 17963 18021 I Unity : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) 06-04 16:42:05.919 17963 18021 I Unity : --------- beginning of system 06-04 16:52:19.882 20461 20495 I Unity : SystemInfo CPU = ARM64 FP ASIMD AES, Cores = 8, Memory = 5689mb 06-04 16:52:19.882 20461 20495 I Unity : SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 0xf0), 4 little (mask: 0xf) 06-04 16:52:19.882 20461 20495 I Unity : ApplicationInfo com.smilejsu.TestVRBuild version 0.1 build 1d9d20b2-a9e3-45d3-9f0f-c404f58694a1 06-04 16:52:19.882 20461 20495 I Unity : Built from '2019.3/staging' branch, Version '2019.3.7f1 (6437fd74d35d)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'mono', CPU 'armeabi-v7a', Stripping 'Disabled' 06-04 16:52:20.013 20461 20495 E Unity : Unable to find libaudiopluginresonanceaudio 06-04 16:52:20.924 20461 20495 I Unity : Created eye textures with a "separate" layout. The "multi-pass" stereo mode will be used. 06-04 16:52:20.924 20461 20495 I Unity : 06-04 16:52:25.024 20461 20461 W Unity : Timeout while trying to pause the Unity Engine. 06-04 16:52:29.029 20461 20461 W Unity : Timeout while trying detaching primary window.
XR Plugin Management 인스톨
빌드는 성공했으나 기기실행시 크래시
2018 LTS 버전으로 테스트
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